Sunday, November 1, 2009

माया मरी न मन मरा

माया मरी न मन मरा, मर-मर गए शरीर । आशा तृष्णा न मरी, कह गए दास कबीर ॥

Arvind Mishra Illusion never died nor did the mind,only the body did;Hope and Desire never died so said Kabir

Explanation:-----What the mind perceives through the gross and subtle senses is all Illusion.Illusion is the world perceived through the senses and thoughts imagined by the mind.This Illusion which is "seen" is always there."Seen" is there for two purposes namely experience(bhoga) and liberation( moksha)(भोग अपवर्गार्थम दृश्यं). The "Seer" or Absolute Consciousness or God is merely the witness and is itself pure and devoid of characteristics(Guna) and is the beholder of the "seen"-----(द्रष्टा दृशिमात्रः शुद्धः अपि प्रत्यय अनुपश्यः).All that is seen is Illusion.The "seen" is there for the above mentioned purposes of the seer i.e. Bhoga and Moksha.(तदर्थ एव दृश्यस्यात्मा).

Why does Kabir say that Maya or Illusion never dies.The reason is what has been propounded in the Upanishads that Illusion or Seen always remains . Though for a person who has been liberated , the Illusion is destroyed due to complete lack of bhoga or experience of the world due to the complete suppression of the mental modifications on the mind plate, however Illusion continues to exists as something for the experience(bhoga) of the other persons who have not so far been liberated.(कृतार्थं प्रति नष्टं अपि अनश्टम तदन्य साधारणत्वात)

The experience of the Illusion or the seen by the mind leads to memories of that experience which leads to rise of afflictions which are of five types(Ignorance,Egoism,Attachment, Aversion, Clinging to Life) .Ignorance(Avidya) of the nature of reality is the principal affliction which is the breeding ground for other four types of afflictions. These afflictions cause Hope and Desire for the "seen" to arise.Since the Illusion always remains therefore natural corollary is that just like Illusion , Hope and Desire also always remain. This Illusion continuously causes Hope and desire to arise.The prevalence of Hope and Desire related to the subjects(vishaya) of Illusion leads to the Travails of Transmigration

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