Friday, November 6, 2009

साधू गाँठ न बाँधई

साधू गाँठ न बाँधई उदर समाता लेय। आगे पाछे हरी खड़े जब माँगे तब देय॥

Arvind Mishra
Take as much as your stomach can take, do not hoard;God is everywhere and gives when you ask for

Kabir stresses "Aparigraha" or non-possessiveness here.
According to Yogasutra of Patanjali, When we practice the eight limbs of yoga, the light of knowledge arises leading to discriminative or distinguishing knowledge of seer and the seen. (योगान्गानुष्ठानात अशुद्धिक्षये ग्यानदीप्तिः अविवेकख्यातिः )This knowledge destroys the ignorance or avidyaa leading to liberation.

These limbs of yoga are yama , niyama, asana ,pranayaam, pratyaahaar, dhaarana , dhyaan , samadhi (यमिनयमासन प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार धारणा ध्यान समाधयोह अष्टौ अन्गानि )

Out of the eight limbs, yama or restraints are defined as non-violence, truth, non-stealing, non-possessiveness or non-covetousness ( अहिंसा सत्य अस्तेयम ब्रह्मचर्य अपरिग्रह यमः )

Here Kabir stresses the importance of the fifth yama or practising "aparigrah" or not being possession oriented or covetous or avaricious and also the importance of devotion to God.We store things because of greed and fear of future which in turn are the result of ignorance of the nature of reality.

The physical body does not last long.It is born and after sometime it dies.The world system functions in such a way that the requirements of the physical body are all met easily and without much discomfort.The mana along with its constituents moves from body to body and does not need any food.The physical body being perishable will not benefit from more than what is required to fill the stomach .We hoard out of fear that we may not have enough later and greed due to attraction towards what we think we need.Ignorance of the nature of reality and the confusion of considering the mind as yourself or the ultimate reality, along with other afflictions or Kleshas like raag , dwesha and abhinivesha, leads to the arising of hope or desire , fear , greed ,attachment,anger.
So you hoard more than your body requires and have desire for worldly things that are of no use in the Universe's scheme of things.The only thing that needs to be hoarded is good karmas which will help you to escape the cycle of birth and death.God helps us try and achieve this liberation but only when we ask for it by surrendering to God and praying for liberation with deep devotion.(Ishwar pranidhanaatva

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