Wednesday, October 28, 2009

काल करे सो आज कर

काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब | पल में परलय होएगी, बहुरि करोगे कब ||

Do today what you plan to do tomorrow, and do now what you plan for today;if cataclysm happens when then will you do it?

Expln Kabir emphasises the significance of the present moment.We should not live in the past or the future but focus on best utilizing the present.The karma or work that we do right now will decide if we will accumulate karma and the quality of karma we will accumulate.It will decide how soon we will be able to get rid of all accumulated karmas and realise God.Time is short and human birth being short on time and life being rife with uncertainties , we must not waste time and use every moment to achieve progress towards escaping the cycle of birth and death and achieve God realization .Use the NOW , the present moment to achieve full benefit.Human birth is designed to enable God realization and has no other purpose in the God's scheme of things so do not while it away and use every moment.

Translation by Arvind Mishra

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