Saturday, January 30, 2010

धनि `रहीम' जल पंक को

धनि `रहीम' जल पंक को, लघु जिय पियत अघाय।उदधि बड़ाई कौन हैं, जगत पियासो जाय

कीचड़ का भी पानी धन्य हैं,जिसे पीकर छोटे-छोटे जीव-जन्तु भी तृप्त हो जाते हैं। उस समुन्द्र की क्या बड़ाई, जहां से सारी दुनिया प्यासी ही लौट जाती हैं?

Rahim announces many thanks to the water of even a muddy puddle which at least satisfies the thirst of the small animals ;No praise goes to the oceans where the world goes thirsty

We may have a lot of wealth and prosperity but if we are not sharing it with anyone we will not be worthy of any praise only because we are so big and well endowed.If on the other hand we live and serve among and share whatever little we have ,with the people who are severely denied by fate, we will be worthy of divine thankfulness

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